Kuruwakamusabi EPISODE 02 kinkijakuyaku
クルワカムサビ EPISODE02 キンキジャクヤク
Release: 07.03.2016
Type: 3D
Translated: English
He opened his eyes, gathered his whereabouts. It was an unfamiliar part of the city.
The place they call Kamusabi.
Had he fallen asleep? Did someone bring him here? He could remember nothing. As he look around he met a woman, Akari, offering guidance. She said,
"You may choose the one you like."
The place they call Kamusabi.
Had he fallen asleep? Did someone bring him here? He could remember nothing. As he look around he met a woman, Akari, offering guidance. She said,
"You may choose the one you like."
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