Labyrinth Sophia
Labyrinth Sophia
Release: 04.10.2010
Type: 3D
The time of Crete island and MINOSU king. Legend of a grilled chicken tripe tau loss. The upper part of body is a cow and the lower part of the body is a monster as man. Empress PASHIPAE is the child who gave birth for an imprecation of god POSEIDON in a sea in other words a son of MINOSU king. And the labyrinth where you said that it was impossible to escape and RABYURINTOSU MINOSU king made this man of excellent caliber make shut purpose especially just below the palace where (labyrinth). ... which is a story by this underground maze you sealed up tens of years later.... The descendant and the name by which its "The Fates" where we e three goddesses of destiny that the life of the king was received and it was visited in a labyrinth are Sophia. Im a user of great sword quickstep silver,... slightly severe on this duty for this twenty-year-old lady....
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