Fairy Fly
Fairy Fly~妖精と過ごす優雅なひと時~
Release: 22.09.2009
Type: 3D
Translated: English
A certain day hero encounters one fairy. Innocence, ―― fairy sawtooth oak. peel ..expressing pure, pure smile.. It is possible to talk together...... of human ..friend it..! Coming yaho
Starting with the This happening to encounter, Other fairies who show up to the presence. Not [dere] but rook or castle (shogi) of ..shy person.. [taka] fairy ―― arrogant fairy ―― all in the [rakyu] protagonist happening to encounter as the bell them, It puts a period every day assumed to be quiet of the protagonist.
Starting with the This happening to encounter, Other fairies who show up to the presence. Not [dere] but rook or castle (shogi) of ..shy person.. [taka] fairy ―― arrogant fairy ―― all in the [rakyu] protagonist happening to encounter as the bell them, It puts a period every day assumed to be quiet of the protagonist.
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